Most teachers hate getting a substitute teacher for their class because it is so much work to get prepared for the substitute. Since many districts have gone to the automated sub finder system the teacher is also never sure who will be their substitute and that worries them because the wrong substitute teacher can make more work for the regular teacher. So if you are going to substitute then you need to go in prepared to help the teacher and maintain control of the class.
If a substitute teacher doesn’t follow through with lesson plans and discipline it can louse up the regular teachers class for a day or two. I know this because I taught for thirty seven years and then started to substitute after retirement so I now can talk about both sides.
Here are some hints to be a successful substitute teacher. Remember maintaining control of the class is of the main importance.
The first tip is to go in with your won simple discipline plan, just in case the teacher’s plan is too complicated and too detailed to get acquainted with in a short time. Take time at the beginning of class to explain your plan, the consequences, and the reward. Example: I put ten tally marks on the board and explain that I expect them to be the best students they can be. If they shout, interrupt or break the classroom rules I will erase a mark for each time. If they are rude to me or another class member I will erase 2 or more marks.
I explain that they are a team so they can help their team win or lose. I explain that I know that no one is perfect so they will probably loose marks, but if there are any marks left at the end of the day they will be rewarded with ten to fifteen minutes of playing a game if we can accomplish ‘nearly’ everything the teacher has assigned. I say ‘nearly’ because some teachers will give a lot to do just to keep the students busy.
Then I start the day. When I erase a mark I do it quietly, but make sure most of the students see me do it. I usually explain why the mark was erased such as “some one is talking while I am.” The game I choose to play is not seven up or a game they usually play, although they do love four corners.
Number two is to always have something they can do if they finish early. I usually run two geometric designs and have them color one using monochromatic colors (all blues etc) and the other one using only primary colors. This is explained at the beginning of the day so that they may work on them when their assignments are completed. If they work on them when their assigned work is not complete I will erase a mark.
Number three tip is to follow the teachers lesson plans and leave short notes like “Completed” or “they need some more time to complete this” or “I told them to take it home as homework and bring it back tomorrow” or “Reading and Spelling took too long so I skipped English”. I usually give them just 2 or 3 minutes less time to complete than the teacher says so that we will have some extra time at the end of the day to play our game. If they loose all the marks then they use this time to complete assignments.
If you do not follow the teacher’s plans it may hurt their time schedule to accomplish units, etc. It is their class and you need to respect that having the students maintain their normal routine will help you maintain discipline and help the regular teacher stay on schedule.
As a substitute I teach concepts my way because I am not used to the scripts that a lot of books are using now and I don’t like just reading everything to the students. Most teachers will be okay with this.
Tip four is that maintaining discipline and control of the students is the most important thing you can do. As a teacher I cared less about how much of the work was done and more about how well the students behaved. If they behave well then I did not have to waste time handling a lot of problems when I returned, but I could just start where the substitute left off.
The last time is that at the end of the day I am sure to follow through and reward the students with 10 to 15 minutes of game time. Do not forget this because it is important that the students receive what you promised them at the beginning of the day.
If you follow these 5 points it will make your time as a substitute much more enjoyable and helpful the teachers and the students you are working for. You will probably even be invited back.
By: C.S. Mackay
Monday, March 31, 2008
Elementary Substitute Teaching Tips
Monday, March 24, 2008
Ten Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle
By: Alfred Bellanti
It is easier than you think to live a healthy lifestyle. As a matter of fact it is very natural. So if you want to live or maintain a healthy lifestyle or make healthy lifestyle changes, follow the tips below:
1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Protect the good health you already have. Know what the weaknesses are, for example, has anyone in your family had any heart disease, diabetes or other illnesses. Take action that could prevent these happening to you. Have regular check ups, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose etc.
2. Increase your fitness. Start by introducing exercise into your life. You don’t need to sweat at a gym for hours on end, just 20 minutes brisk walking each day will get you started. If 20 minutes is too much, start with 10 minutes, and increase gradually. Exercise produces endorphins, and endorphins make you feel good.
3. Make healthier choices in your diet. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up your favourite foods but you introduce other foods, especially green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, bok choy to your daily eating routine. Aim for five serves of vegetables a day. Increase the healthier foods and decrease the processed foods, the ones high in sugar, fats and additives.
4. Make changes gradually. Eat a variety of foods; make sure you get enough protein and fewer carbohydrates. Lean red meat two or three times a week will supply your body with zinc, iron and vitamin B. If you’re vegetarian, seek alternatives. Don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits.
5. Take part in healthy activities. If you’re in the habit of watching TV for hours on end, change your behavior. Start a hobby, join a social group, take dance classes, anything that gets you moving more.
6. Do some voluntary work, help others less fortunate than yourself; make someone else happy. This will make you happier as well.
7. Look after your emotional well-being. It is hard to be your best if you are angry, sad, or depressed all the time. Therefore strive to resolve any existing emotional conflicts. Discuss these with the people involved or seek counselling, join an anger group or attend group therapy. Better still join a laughter group.
8. Work is important but do not overwork. Strike a balance between your work life, family life and social life. There is nothing healthier than meeting up with friends, having a good time and spending time with your children.
9. Equally important for a healthy life is relaxation or meditation. If you know how to meditate, do this twice daily, morning and evening for 20 minutes. If not, take time out to relax, shut down your mind, you know, get a rest from that incessant babble that goes on there.
10. Go to bed early, allowing enough time for 7 or 8 hours rest. When you rest, your body repairs itself and replenishes your energy. Wake up with the sunrise. It will get you naturally in tune with the day.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
With some 126,000 nursing vacancies nationwide and growing, hospitals are in desperate need of nurses. To find them, healthcare providers now more than ever are relying on nurses placed by temporary staffing agencies. As a result, the demand for supplemental staff is giving nurses attractive career options not previously available.
“Nurses want choices and flexibility,” says Liz Tonkin, RN, BSN, CEO of South Florida–based All About Staffing, Inc., an affiliate of hospital company HCA.
Rather than tap into the same dwindling pool of nurses, All About Staffing was created to supply quality nurses to help ease shortages within the HCA facility network.
“We have unique systems in place to assist our facilities in recruiting and retaining talented nurses for core positions,” says Tonkin. “At the end of the day, what our hospitals really need is a core group of people.”
Opportunities for a Lifetime
The agency recently developed the “Opportunity For A Lifetime” slogan to showcase its variety of career options for healthcare professionals.
“As we continued to grow, we recognized that if we’re going to tap into the mindset of today’s generation of nurses, we have to bring career option and choice into the professional working environment, so that it would work for nurses yet meet the needs of the patients and facilities,” says Tonkin. “So that’s how we came up with the the program.”
With “Opportunity For A Lifetime” in place, nurses can choose to work per diem, full time, or as a traveler — all while staying in control over their work schedules, assignments, and locations. Nurses say this is benefiting them because it allows them to move through the program without losing benefits. They earn more, yet maintain the security and comfort of working for a major healthcare corporation.
Telemetry nurse Mallerie Lambert-Potts, RN, works for All About Staffing. She left her full-time hospital job eight years ago because she needed the flexibility to work around her children’s schedules — something she says you can only find working for an agency.
“HCA has come a long way over the years,” says Lambert-Potts. “It’s wonderful what they’ve done in creating All About Staffing.” A bit ruefully, she notes that there’s a silver lining to the nursing shortage. “We have more choices today — and we deserve it!”
For OR nurse Dori Sommers, RN, BSN, the flexibility of working for an agency is allowing her to balance work with raising a young child and still earn more. “I know that when working for an agency, you run the risk of getting canceled,” she says. “But someone once told me if you’re a good nurse, you’ll always get called. And it’s true!”
While many nurses are taking advantage of the increased flexibility in working for an agency, Tonkin notes that it’s not for everyone. “What we’ve found over time,” she says, “is that an agency nurse is truly a mindset and a lifestyle. Somebody who really wants to be working full time can’t survive in the agency world.”
Have Suitcase, Will Travel
All About Staffing has grown exponentially, expanding into 20 markets across the country and into areas such as permanent placement, international recruitment, and new graduate programs.
With the recent launch of its traveling nurse division, nurses are taking their skills on the road, joining the ranks of thousands of other nomadic health professionals who are being sent to help ease the nation’s severe healthcare worker shortages.
“We realized that many of our own nurses were leaving to join travel companies,” says Tonkin. “Even nurses coming out of school are looking for the excitement of traveling while they’re young. We want to be able to tap into that and open their eyes to an environment that promotes free agency and allows them to be themselves and do whatever they want in their lifetime.”
First-time traveler and one-time international recruit Luis San Gabriel, RN, very carefully weighed the pros and cons before signing up with All About Staffing.
“To be honest, from the time I applied to the very last minute before signing the contract, I was hesitant on whether to travel,” San Gabriel recalls. “I was weighing my options. Looking back, I have to say this was a big step for me, but I’m glad I did it. Traveling is giving me a chance to explore, and I have the option to choose where I want to work. It makes you feel good that in one way you can help out [in easing the staffing shortage]. Hopefully, more nurses will be encouraged to travel.”
Kathy Kohnke, vice president of travel operations for All About Staffing, says the division is ahead of schedule and is receiving a positive response from nurses who are looking to travel.
“People want to belong to one employer. Now, it’s even easier for them,” she says. “They can become a traveler, come back join the staff, or work per diem. Our goal is to have people stay within the HCA network.”
Travel nurses typically make an initial commitment of 13 weeks at a facility, receive free housing and other benefits, and have the option of extending the assignment or choosing another location.
“Ninety percent of the time, a traveler will extend at the same facility,” says Kohnke. “Our hospitals are in desirable locations — Atlanta, Denver, Nashville, Miami, and other exciting metropolises. There’s so much to do that usually you can’t do everything in three months.”
Travelers can look to their recruiter as a mentor who will stay in contact with them throughout the assignment to find the best fit to meet both their professional and personal needs, says Kohnke.
“Nurses want the feeling of belonging, having input, and having flexibility with good benefits. We think we can accomplish all of these needs. This in turn will be good for the healthcare industry.”
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Home work for you... my student.
please read the problems and find the answers.
click read more....
Untuk kelas 7a dan 7b
Kerjakan soal berikut di kertas LKS
1.Suatu kelompok remaja yang terdiri dari 40 orang ,21 orang di antaranya gemar bersepeda ,22 orang gemar joging,dan 8 orang gemar keduanya.Dengan menggunakan diagram venn maka hitung lah siswa yang tidak gemar keduanya !
2.Suatu kelompok anak-anak yang terdiri dari 50 orang, 20 orang gemar layang-layang,25 orang gemar kelereng,dan 12 orang tidak gemar keduanya. Hitung lah anak yang gemar keduannya !
3. dari 50 orang guru di sekolah ,diketahui:
20 orang berlangganan surat kabar (harian)
16 orang berlangganan tabloit (mingguan)
20 orang berlangganan majalah (bulanan)
7 orang berlangganan surat kabar dan tabloit
5 orang berlangganan tabloit dan majalah
10 orang berlangganan majalah dan surat kabar
4 orang berlangganan ketiga-tiganya
Dengan menggunakan diagram Venn , hitunglah :
a. banyaknya guru yang hanya berlangganan surat kabar
b. banyaknya guru yang hanya berlangganan tabloit
c. banyaknya guru yang hanya berlangganan majalah
d. banyaknya guru yang tidak berlangganan ketiga-tiganya
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Change Your Life
This is a note in the training that i participate it.
watch your thought, they become words.
watch your words, they become action
watch your action, they become habits
watch your habits, they become character
watch your character, it become your distiny....
-----frank Outlaw-----
Masa depan kita terlalu penting untuk diabaikan. masa depan kita adalah hidup kita. hidup hanya sekali, hiduplah yang berarti, carilah kepuasan hidup sebagai seorang PEMENANG. dalam hidup kita bukan kekayaan yang terpenting , namun kebanggaan telah berbuat dan memberikan yang terbaik bagi orang-orang yang kita cintai/kasihi....
dan kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan kita dimulai dari PIKIRAN kita .....
inilah kata-kata mutiara dari frank Outlaw :
...hati-hatilah dengan pikiran anda,
...karena akan menjelma menjadi kata-kata...
...hati-hatilah dengan kata-kata yang anda ucapkan,
...karena akan melahirkan tindakan....
...hati-hatilah dengan tindakan-tindakan anda,
...karena akan membentuk kebiasaan...
...hati-hatilah dengan kebiasaan-kebiasaan anda,
...karena akan membentuk karakter...
...perhatikan karakter anda,
...dia akan menentukan MASA DEPAN anda....